Airfield and Airspace Planning Services

Our planning team comprises aviation industry and subject matter experts who have solid management and technical experience worked with all major airport and civil aviation authorities worldwide; these include former international senior airport consulting firm executives, professors of major universities, and senior airline professionals, each with a minimum of twenty years senior management experience.

Our objective is to provide the most cost-effective results-oriented consulting services. We are known for hands-on engagement to deliver significant value to our clients in areas such as airspace and airfield operational improvement and cost and revenue optimization​.

We have a proven track record of successfully delivering project assignments for clients in U.S., Asia and Australasia.​  

Airspace/Airfield Planning Studies:

  • Airtop, SIMMOD, and TAAM Airfield Simulation (PVG, SHA, , SZX, CAN, HKG, ORD, SEA, JFK)
  • Airtop, SIMMOD, and TAAM Airspace Simulation (Northern Pacific, Central Pacific, New York, Seattle, Texas, Chicago, Dubai, Bangkok )
    • End-Around Taxiways (DFW, EWR, SHA)
    • Runway Safety Areas Compliance Study (PVG, SHA, SZX, ORD, DFW, SEA, JFK, MIA)
    • Aeronautical Survey (AGIS) and Obstruction Analysis (ORD, MDW, JFK, EWR, HKG, KUM, CAN, SHA, PVG)
    • Instrument Approach Procedure Compliance (HTO)
    • Heliport and Helipad Feasibility Study  (HKG, CHICAGO HOSPITAL, OBI)
    • Aircraft Maneuvering and Parking for B747-8F and American Airlines (JFK)
    • Runway Edge Lighting and PAPI Installation (HKG, PVG, ORD)
    • Taxilane Safety and Capacity Analysis  

    Terminal and Facility Planning Studies:

    • Terminal Area Conceptual Planning and Capacity Analysis  (HKG, CAN, SZX, KUM, SHA, PVG, )
    • Multi-Functional Aeronautical Facility Development (JFK)
    • Terminal Building Redevelopment Strategy (YSJ)

    Master Planning Studies:

    • Hong Kong International Airport Master Plan 2030
    • Pudong International Airport Master Plan 2005-2010
    • Shanghai International Airport – Second Runway and Master Plan
    • O’Hare Modernization Program
    • Seattle Tacoma International Airport Masterplan
    • San Francisco International Airport Master Plan
    • Kunming International Airport Master Plan
    • Westchester County Airport Master Plan (HPN)  
    • Airport Layout Plan (ALP) Update  
    • Professional Technical Opinion in Litigation
    • The Future of the New York Region’s Airports 
    • New York Aviation System Plan
  • Terminal Planning
  •  Aviation Demand Forecasting